Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dance Boot Camp

Yesterday was the 2nd annual competition boot camp at my son's dance studio. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how organized I try to keep things running when passing out costumes or receiving costumes, these moms think their child is the most important and needs their costume now. And I'm the one who gets glared out when I tell these moms they need to get in a single file line and that I don't want them reaching into bins. And no matter how many times they are told that a parent needs to sign out a costume, how many of these girls are just dropped off with no parent.

If your child is in dance, it is your responsibility to to be there to make sure you know what is going on! You are going to trust your preteen child who has Justin Bieber and One Direction on the brain to remember what is being told about their costume? Please!

I was ready to throttle the next mom who pushed her way to the front because she is "important to the studio" or her daughter is the "best on the line and needs extra time to make sure her costume is correct". Never mind that when my son lined up to have his costume checked, the studio director didn't even look at him. I'm used to her not caring what my son wears. No, when one of the desk workers who is in charge of the boot camp says that I need to make sure everyone signs out their costume, then, because the line is too long, reaches in and grabs her daughters' costumes without checking them out, then  proceeds to just hand out costumes while I'm trying to organize all the costumes that are being turned in for alterations - that bugs me.

Makes me want to scream! What is the point of having the parents check out the costumes when you are giving preferential treatment to your friends. I didn't even do that for the parents on my son's line.

Thus begins another competition season.

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