How did you get started on Zibbet? Where did your shop name come from?
I first opened my shop when lifetime accounts were offered in 2009. I had listed items but didn't really get started selling here until this summer.The name came as juxtaposition of my different interests, I was really into dragons and magical creatures.

You have such interesting characters you've made. Where do you get your inspiration for them?
I love making characters, sometimes it feels that I am just giving shape to what's already there. All too often, the characters seem to have their own personalities even before they are done.
Who are your favorite suppliers?
I can say my favorite brand of polymer clay is Premo and it is availalble widely. However PolymerclayExpress.com is the best place to buy it, they are one of only 3 sites that carry 2 basic colors that were discontinued for general supply.

What is the secret to your pictures?
Good editing. I do my best to take good shots but no matter how hard I try, I always need to play around a bit with Paintshop.
Do you take custom orders?
Yes, I'm always open to custom orders. All of my cake toppers are custom made but I am always open to custom requests of any sort. Most of my cake toppers are wrestling based and that came from one custom order several years ago. I knew nothing about wrestling but decided to try it. After the first one, I kept getting requests for them and different poses. I never would of thought of wrestling cake toppers.

Do you sell outside of Zibbet? If so, Where?
I still have a shop on Etsy, I keep it stocked but basically I don't promote it at all.
Any sales coming up?
Right now I have a customer order for a cake topper with the bride sitting on the groom's shoulder, wresting styles as well as some custom designs for groom as his favorite wrestler.
Any last words for the reading audience?
I'd say create what you love, use materials that make you feel good. I love the feel of clay in my hands. The coolest thing is when you find a product that no one else is offering. You need to keep moving forward, things change, you need to change.

Thank you, Susan! I can't wait to see what else you create!
If you would like to be a featured seller on my blog, please feel free to contact me with your web address.
Happy Friday!
Thanks for the great review. I made sure I shared it everywhere I could.